Plasma Sources

Downstream plasma source – 2.45 GHz

This surface wave type of plasma source generates plasma in a dielectric material tube (diameter 20-60 mm) placed in a standard WR340 waveguide. This plasma source enables the ignition and sustaining of long plasma columns depending on the pressure, the microwave power and the nature of the ‘plasma’ gas

Plasma Sources

Surfaguide plasma source – 2.45 GHz

Surfaguide plasma source generates plasma in a dielectric tube via a surface wave. The main feature of the Surfaguide is the reduced height of the standard waveguide to locally intensify the microwave electric field and consequently, help with the ignition and sustaining the plasma. This source is principally suited for operation in the range of a few mbar up to atmospheric pressure.

Plasma Sources
Pressure Range A few 10¯² mbar up to atmospheric pressure
Gas Type Ar, N₂, O₂. Air, ….
Maximum Power 6kW
Applications Creation of radicals / reactive species, surface activation, PECVD, gas abatement, gasification, sterilization (UV), nano powder synthesis

S-Wave plasma source – 2.45 GHz

The S-wave is a plasma reactor used for microwave propagation and  designed to launch a surface electromagnetic wave. The S-wave is an effective plasma source for the production of reactive / excited species using a 6 mm or 8 mm diameter dielectric tubes. When used for measurements and analysis, to avoid Spurious spectral lines due to the mains 50/60 Hz we recommend using Sairem low ripple solid state microwave generator GMS 200 W. or GMS 450W


The S-Wave plasma source is inductively coupled, thus only two tuning adjustments are provided to  match the impedance. Generally, nearly 0 % of reflected power is achieved using the integrated  tuners. In addition, for given operator-set discharge conditions, the plasma is fully reproducible  without any need for retuning at start-up. Quick connectors are integrated for water cooling and for  gas connection. An optional ignition system based on Dielectric Barrier Discharge could be  mounted in order to breakdown easily even at atmospheric pressure.

Plasma Sources
Frequency 2450MHz ± 50MHz
Microwave Power Max 450 Watt.
Pressure Range A few 10¯² mbar up to atmospheric pressure
Gas Type Ar, N₂, O₂. Air, ….
Gas Flow At ATM pressure 1 to 30 l/min., Min 5 l/min is recommended for ignition
Applications Creation of radicals / reactive species, surface activation, elementary analysis

Plasma sources – AURA-WAVE

The AURA-WAVE ECR microwave plasma source has been designed to sustain microwave plasma  over several decades of pressure, i.e. from 10-4 mbar to a few 10-2 mbar and from a few watt  microwave power whatever the gas. Equally, the coaxial plasma source was designed to avoid inside  power-losses and has proved to be matched , i.e. no reflected power with no additional  impedance matching system over 2 to 3 pressure decades, depending on the plasma gas. Plasma  density up to a few 1011 cm-3 could be easily obtained in multisource configuration in different gases  like argon, oxygen, nitrogen.


AURA-WAVE is designed to be used equally in R&D laboratories and industry for a very large range  of applications. Typical applications of such source are generation of radicals (e.g. atomic oxygen),  etching, PECVD, surface treatment (nitruration, cleaning etc.) and it is ideal for working in the low  pressure range i.e. with high energy particles.

Frequency 2450MHz – 2500MHz, 0.1MHZ increment
Microwave Power Max 200 Watt
Pressure Range A few 10¯⁴ mbar up to few 10 ¯²mbar
Plasma Density

(measured in Ar - O² -N²)

One source 2-5 X 10¹⁰cm³ at 160mm

~ 10¹¹cm^3 at 100mm

Multisource 10¹¹ cm³ at 160mm

a few 10¹¹ at 100mm

Applications  Creation of radicals (eg. Atomic oxygen etching), surface treatment
Plasma Sources

Plasma sources – HI-WAVE

The HI-WAVE microwave collisional plasma source has been designed to sustain microwave plasma  from 10-2 mbar to a few 10-1 mbar and from a few watt microwave power whatever the gas. As the  AURA-WAVE ECR coaxial plasma source, the HI-WAVE collisional coaxial plasma source was  designed to avoid inside power-losses and has proved to be matched, i.e. no reflected power  with no additional impedance matching system over 1 pressure decade, depending on the plasma  gas. Moreover, plasma density higher than 1012 cm-3 could be easily obtained in multisource  configuration at a few cm from the sources.


HI-WAVE is designed to be used equally in R&D laboratories and industry for a very large range of  applications. Typical applications of such source are generation of radicals (e.g. atomic oxygen),  etching, PECVD (e.g. nanocrystalline diamond deposition), surface treatment (nitruration, cleaning  etc.), sterilization...

Frequency 2450MHz – 2500MHz, 0.1MHZ increment
Microwave Power Max 200 Watt
Pressure Range A few 10¯² mbar up to few 10 ¯¹mbar
Plasma Density

(measured in Ar - O² -N²)

One source 5 X 10¹⁰cm³ to 10¹¹ at 160mm

10¹¹cm^3  to 5 X 10 ¹¹cm³at 100mm

Multisource 10¹¹ cm³ to 5 X 10¹¹ cm³ at 160mm

a few 10¹¹ cm³ at 100mm

Applications Creation of radicals (eg. Atomic oxygen etching), PECVD, surface treatment, sterilization
Plasma Sources